The end of Power and Prestige in Paris
Sunday, 25th September the great adventure of Power and Prestige at the Musée du quai Branly in Paris came to an end. This exhibition-event saw the Giancarlo Ligabue Foundation work in collaboration with the world’s greatest museum institutions. 
For the first time, a major exhibition was dedicated to the art of oceanic command clubs – extraordinary ethnographic objects – and this is just one of its highlights. 
Dozens of thousands of visitors between Venice and Paris, scores of articles, TV reports and covers in the most influential periodicals in the field. Last but not least, an important scientific discovery: a radiocarbon test, carried out during the Venetian exhibition period, revealed that one of the objects on display is much more ancient than previously believed.

This amazing journey, began in 2019, has indelibly marked the Foundation’s history and allowed us to grow, learn, and gain awareness.
We salute Power and Prestige with great pride and emotion. 
FONDAZIONE GIANCARLO LIGABUE   |   P.IVA: 04374850271   |   C.F. 94090440275    |   Copyright © all rights reserved